A platform for Collège Appel du 18 juin students to communicate directly with the race team


A platform for Collège Appel du 18 juin students to communicate directly with the race team

Collège Appel du 18 juin

School Facts

  • Students involved: x3 classes, totaling 85 students, average age 14

  • 833 students

  • Middle school: between 11 and 15 years old

  • Headmaster: Michel ACCIPE

  • Located in: Lamentin, Guadeloupe

Student created garden (maths and biology)

Collège Appel du 18 juin

Hello Collège Appel du 18 juin!

I was very pleased to receive an email from your teacher Ms DUFLO who is interested in learning more about Imerys Clean Energy and our project Energy Challenge before we arrive in Guadeloupe. Right now we are integrating some cutting-edge clean energy technologies into the boat. Can you find out what they are and why we have decided to use them?

Look forward to hearing from you.


Phil Sharp

Good morning M Sharp

How are you doing? Thank you for writing and helping us with our project. We are really grateful and
happy. We read the question and we are working on it with the help of our design and technology
teacher and our chemical Physics teacher. We will answer with pleasure.

We wish you good luck for the race


Erika, Keiza, Eunice (on behalf of the pupils of 302, 303 and 308 classes)

Hello M Sharp,

We are also working on navigation tools and mathematics. We have some questions for you too:
-What is a sextant?
-How do you use it?
-Are you going to use it for the Route du Rhum?


Samantha (308)

Afternoon everyone

I am writing from Lorient (a city nautical town north of La Rochelle) where I have come to deliver some boat items to be shipped to Guadeloupe for the race finish.

A Sextant! Well this is very special and was a highly important tool many years ago, Isaac Newton comes to mind – do you know who he is?

It is used for navigation, to find out where a vessel is on a map by measuring the angle between a star/planet and the horizon for the purposes of celestial navigation. The angle will determine the latitude of the sailor.

I really hope that my modern technologies like GPS will work in the Route du Rhum so that I don’t have to use a sextant… They take a lot of time to use and it is very difficult to get a good reading when there are lots of waves and I can’t see the horizon…

The GPS is much cleverer and faster!

Must dash! Speak soon


Phil Sharp

Good morning M Sharp

The race is approaching quickly! We hope you are ready!

We have heard of Isaac Newton and the law of gravity. We had to research and now we know that he was born in 1642 and he died in 1727 at the age of 84. He was a mathematician, an astronomer and a physicit. He is also known for his three laws of motions.

Is the sextant old-fashioned? Is it mandatory in another race?

Samantha, Axelle and Daniella (308)


Samantha, Axelle and Daniella (308)

Hello Samantha, Axelle and Danielle,

Ready! We will see… A sailor is never ready – there are always many, many things that you CAN do. Yes all the problems have been fixed, and now it is about how to make things easy and faster on board (more efficient).

That’s great – remind me, what are his three laws of motion? And how do you spell… ‘physicit’ correctly? It’s a hard word…

A sextant is very old fashioned and modern GPS technology is much better, so luckily we don’t have to take one with us (they are very expensive too)…

Speak soon



Phil Sharp

Hello M Sharp

We can tell you what you have understood so far about the cutting-edge technologies: You will use a fuel made of residues and wastes. It is clean and less polluting. You will save it and use it if you need it.

Is it correct?

We will say more soon.

The pupils of 305


The pupils of 305

Hello 305

Good try, can you find out how I will collect natural energy when I am sailing?

Speak soon



Phil Sharp


Sorry for the misspelling of the word p.h.y.s.i.c.i.s.t, it is a careless mistake. You are doing a great job in the Route du Rhum with your hydrogenerator. There is a turbine under the boat. It runs with the water and it puts an alternator in motion. The alternator makes electricity. You have water power and solar power too.

The pupils of 308


The pupils of 308

Good morning M Sharp

I am Kenny and I can explain the three laws of motion:
Newton’s first law states that every object will remain at rest in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. The second law explains how the velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. The third law states that for every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

It was a pleasure to learn that. Thank you

Kenny (308)


Kenny of 308

Bridging performance and sustainability

Bridging performance and sustainability