Team Meteorologist Jure Jerman updates on the race:
“There is nothing worse than losing the ability to download weather files during a race, or even for any boat offshore. Not knowing what is around the corner is the frightening thing and this will be making Phil and Pablo feel nervous – I’m sure.
“All leading Class 40s have jibed south (almost at the same time) and they are slowly moving to the south side of the Azores High. They are heading into band of strong easterlies with wind strength between 30-40kts (mph). It will remain windy for the next three days and will involve a lot of reaching. Aside from the drag race down south, the teams will be thinking about how they can best position themselves for the next wind shift. This will be particularly difficult for Phil and Pablo who cannot access any weather data.
“With the consistently strong winds ahead the Class 40s will struggle to even make repairs, it will be about managing the boat and keeping it in one piece.
“Let’s keep our fingers firmly crossed for Phil and Pablo, however knowing them, I imagine that this disadvantage will not slow their pace and they will push even harder! – Jure”
09.11.17, 14:00 UTC